The May 2, 2014 CUNY CUE Conference, “Learning Inside and Outside the Classroom,” explored a comprehensive and holistic definition of learning which integrates academic achievement and student development. Seen in this light, students combine cognitive, emotional, and experiential elements into greater knowledge, maturity, and judgment as they progress through their college careers. As recognition of this interdependence has grown in higher education, many institutions have sought to engage the whole campus in a common effort to educate the “whole student”. How do we define and organize our work to meet this goal? How can we connect the “silos” which too often contain and limit our efforts? How do we assess these efforts, and how can our assessments encourage further integrative initiatives?
The seven conference tracks encouraged presenters and attendees to examine these questions from perspectives such as:
- Advisement and Student Support Services
- Bridging Cognitive and Affective Learning
- Capstone Courses and Career Preparation
- Co-curricular Learning: Experiential and Service
- Encouraging Transfer: Curricula and Support Services
- Faculty-Student Collaborations
- First-Year Programming
To see more conference snapshots, click here.
To read more tweets, visit the social media page.

The Center for Teaching and Learning at LaGuardia Community College.